One thing you cannot afford to compromise on when it comes to running a successful online business is customer support. The ability to respond to your customers’ queries on time while gaining valuable feedback is priceless.

livechat chat app

This is why many companies now rely on a wide range of customer support and live chat apps that can help them stay ahead of their closest competitors. Two of the most popular tools in this respect are LiveChat and 

In an industry flooded with countless apps to choose from, these two options have made a splash by offering dependable, innovative, and highly responsive tools for businesses to use. live chat app

If you, like many other companies out there, are finding it difficult to choose the best customer support tool, you have come to the right place. This in-depth comparison between two giant names in the industry will help you decide which tool is best for your needs.

Four Key Features to Consider

To start, this article will look at the area that most businesses always consider first – the features. In this case, a comparison was made between four key features of LiveChat and

  1. User Interface and Ease of Use

As is to be expected when dealing with live chat tools of such a high caliber, the user interface and ease of use in both cases were excellent. It is incredibly simple to navigate these platforms. Whichever features you need always seem to be one mouse click away.

However, if an overall winner in this category is required, it has to be LiveChat. Being on this platform just feels a lot more comfortable than what other similar customer support tools have to offer. It is for that reason that LiveChat wins in this particular comparison.

  1. Core Features

When you invest in such a reputable tool, you want to be certain that all your core business requirements are met. This means pop-up chats, notifications, targeted emails, in-app messaging, and co-browsing all need to be there.

Again, while both tools delivered on that front, it is LiveChat that manages to do so in a better and more organized way. Lead development and managing customer profiles is certainly much better with this option than it is on

  1. Integration and Compatibility

Even after extensively trying out both apps, it is not possible to separate them based on integration and compatibility. These are live chat tools designed by people who understand the importance of being able to work with multiple types of platforms, apps, and software.

Whether your customers are mainly on one social media platform or another, both and LiveChat will give you unlimited access to them. It will be up to the customer to decide which platform they prefer to use to communicate with you.

  1. Customization and Branding

Finally, a win for! The level of customization that you can do on this app is unbelievable. You get access to a tool that allows you to tailor-fit almost every aspect to your brand’s needs.

While LiveChat also has similar features, it pales in comparison to what you can do on  When you finish customizing, it will look like this customer support tool was made specifically for your needs. 

Performance and Reliability

A lot of people have problems when it comes to finding a good app that will last a long time while also being reliable. However, both and LiveChat have proven to be quite robust. 

Even as apps continue to evolve daily, you will find that these two remain modern, intuitive, and highly dependable. It will be a long time before you feel the need to change either of these options.

Pricing and Value for Money

The most crucial consideration in most cases is always the price. In this economy, businesses have to find ways to save every dollar they can get their hands on. That is why the following price comparison is so important:

  1. Pricing Plans

If saving money is your main concern, the fact that offers a free plan for its entry point users will be a huge benefit. There is no similar offer available from LiveChat except the option for a free trial. As such, for many small and upcoming businesses, is the best choice.

A further comparison reveals that even the paid plans are a lot cheaper with than with LiveChat. The most you can expect to pay on is $29 per month for video and screen sharing. On the other hand, the highest price plan on LiveChat will set you back $59 per month if billed annually and $69 if you pay it monthly.

  1. Value Proposition

Even when paying a lot more for one tool compared to the other, you always need to consider the value proposition. In other words, are you getting good value for your money? With LiveChat, the answer is a resounding yes. After paying a premium price, you will still feel that you spent the money well.

In this regard, whichever option you choose will give you great value for money. While is the more attractive option for businesses on a budget, LiveChat is still a great investment at just $59 per month.

Customer Support and Resources

Always keep in mind the main reason you decided to invest in such a tool. Customer support should always be at the forefront of every decision you make when choosing between these two options. 

Think along the lines of available support channels and learning resources. The following are what you can expect from both these tools:

  1. Support Channels

LiveChat has its customer support channels organized perfectly to allow seamless communication between team members and users who log any queries. Similarly, has done a lot of great work in this category. In either case, you will be able to respond to customer queries much faster than you can with other tools.

However, one area where both options are surprisingly lacking is AI software. In this age, you would expect to have a lot of AI assistance on modern tools such as these. Nevertheless, it seems that such advancements are still to come. As such, you will have to rely on the tried and tested software that continues to serve thousands of happy clients around the world.

  1. Documentation and Learning Resources

The moment you land on the LiveChat or platform, you will see the wide range of learning resources that are available to the customers. Such a dedication to teaching users more about the app and helping them with whatever issues they may have is commendable. 

Whether you are a new user or you have been using customer support tools for a long time, you will find all the information you need on both these platforms. This is yet another area where it is impossible to separate either tool. Personal preferences will play a huge role in this case.

User Feedback and Reviews

The final comparison might just be the most important one. You can never put a price on the value of honest customer reviews when it comes to guiding potential clients who are thinking of buying either or LiveChat. 

If you visit Capterra, a trusted software review platform, you will find great reviews for each of these live chat apps. Both LiveChat and have awesome ratings of 4.6 stars. However, it is the former that is listed as the highest rated. The higher rating for LiveChat than when it comes to customer service is a particularly important one to remember.

On GetApp, the two are also tied at 4.6 stars, which further highlights just how difficult it is to separate between these incredible customer support tools. According to those who have used these apps before, you will likely be happy with whatever choice you make.

Want to try an alternative? Check out Chatway!

Looking to connect with website visitors and customers in real-time without spending a fortune? Here’s a great option: Chatway, a live chat app with a free plan.

Chatway live chat app

Free Plan with Big Benefits

Chatway’s free plan lets you chat with unlimited customers – perfect for businesses of all sizes. It’s a risk-free way to see how live chat can boost your business.

Powerful Features at Minimal Cost

Chatway’s paid plan offers amazing features, including:

  • Live chat functionality
  • Email integration
  • Private notes
  • Unlimited chat history
  • Multilingual support to reach a global audience
  • Built-in analytics to track conversations and improve service

Works Seamlessly Anywhere

Chatway integrates easily with your existing website builder (like Duda or WordPress) or payment processor (like Square) for a smooth experience.


As this review has shown, there is not much to separate these two live chat apps when it comes to finding the perfect customer support tool. Your decision will likely be heavily influenced by the price of each rather than their ability to get the job done.

However, it all comes down to your needs, so feel free to try out either option’s free trial version before choosing.

Looking for a good place to start? Sign up for Chatway for free today.