In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, social media has become a formidable tool for businesses aiming to generate leads. Your ability to connect with a vast and diverse audience is vital for expanding your reach and influence. 

Social media platforms allow you to generate leads and sales beyond your immediate sphere. However, it would be best if you looked beyond likes when creating strategies for lead generation.

The Truth About Likes

According to a 2022 DataReportal report, social media users worldwide numbered 4.62 billion. That indicates the unparalleled reach and potential impact of these platforms. It is no wonder that marketers spent $72.3 billion in the US and $207.1 billion globally in 2023 for social media ads.

You might think they spend all that money to get likes and followers. After all, that’s what you would do for your personal accounts because it boosts your ego and creates a sense of popularity. However, the end goal of social media marketing is not to be liked or followed. That is merely the path to the eventual goal: leads. 

Several studies show that likes do not always result in quality leads for your business. Many users might “like” a post because it’s cute, but that’s it. They have no intention of going further.

Moreover, even if a post receives numerous likes, it doesn’t guarantee it will reach your target audience or those genuinely interested in the product. Going after likes when creating your social media marketing strategy might not be the best outlay of your resources.

This article will unravel the intricacies of leveraging social media beyond likes to drive lead generation strategically. We explore tailored approaches for each platform and provide actionable insights to maximize your online presence.

Understanding the Social Media Landscape

You must first understand the dynamics of each platform to design an effective social media strategy for lead generation. Each one possesses unique characteristics that you can leverage strategically for lead generation. For instance, Facebook had over three billion monthly active users in Q3 2023, making it the ideal space if you target a broad audience. It also helps that adult Americans spend the most time on Facebook (33 minutes) in 2022 compared to other platforms.  

On the other hand, suppose you want to target people in the B2B space. LinkedIn is a network targeting professionals and has over 950 million active users. While it is not the most popular platform, LinkedIn claims an impressive audience mix. If you want to make a good impression on prospective clients, focus on LinkedIn for your marketing efforts.

social media statistics

Source: LinkedIn

With its massive user base, Facebook offers a broad audience, while LinkedIn caters to a more professional demographic. Twitter’s real-time nature demands concise and engaging content, while Instagram relies heavily on visual appeal. You can tailor your social media strategy by identifying the platforms that resonate most with your target audience.

Identifying Platforms for the Target Demographic

On the reverse side of the coin, it can also be an effective strategy to define your target demographic to determine the platforms they use. Social media platforms have different audiences and goals, so you must identify the ones that align with your target demographic.

According to the Pew Research Center, the most popular platform overall is YouTube, cutting across demographics. However, your strategy must target a narrower audience to avoid getting lost in the crowd. For example, suppose you sell high-end footwear for male adults between 30 and 49. Your best bet might be posting content and ads on Facebook and Instagram.

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Source: Pew Research

Check out the illustration from Accion Opportunity Fund. It might make it easier to choose your platform based on your audience and purpose.

Source: Accion

Understanding the target audience’s age, interests, and online behaviors is crucial for selecting the right platforms. By strategically choosing platforms, you can focus your efforts on networks most likely to yield results.

Aligning Social Media Strategy With Business Goals

A cohesive social media strategy is a cornerstone for successful lead generation. You must align them with central business goals. Whether you aim to drive website traffic or boost product sales, every interaction should contribute to these objectives.

According to a 2022 Social Media Examiner report, social media can do all that. Eighty-five percent of marketers claimed social media increased exposure, and 75 percent stated it increased traffic. It would be reasonable to assume that these gains are also related to improved lead generation and sales.

benefits of social media marketing

Source: Social Media Examiner

For example, suppose your goal is to generate B2B leads. You can use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients by posting thought leadership content, case studies, and industry insights. Using LinkedIn Ads to target specific industries can also help you generate quality leads and facilitate meaningful B2B connections.

Aligning your strategy to your goals ensures that social media becomes integral to the broader marketing strategy, driving results that matter.

Crafting Compelling Content

Compelling content is the lifeblood of any successful social media strategy. You should create content that resonates with your audience and encourages interaction to capture leads. However, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Content curation is an excellent way to engage your target audience while saving time and money.

Understanding that content can generate leads at different stages of the buyer’s journey is essential. The most effective content type will depend on your strategy’s target stage.

Podcasts, articles, and videos are effective for awareness and intent, which we will consider as lead generation. However, case studies, e-books, webinars, and white papers are most effective for reeling in people with serious intent.

Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2022

Based on the research, your social media strategy should focus on the early stage of the buyer’s journey. A study by HubSpot supports this, indicating that video content has the best return on investment (ROI) in social media content.

You can also include interactive components such as polls or quizzes to encourage user engagement further. They could contain thought-provoking questions, polls, contests, or exclusive offers. Furthermore, lead capture mechanisms, such as sign-up forms or gated content, can convert social media interactions into valuable leads.

Using Advertising for Lead Generation

Some people think that organic social media is the way to go, but don’t discount the value of strategic ads. It’s getting harder to go viral online with organic content, though lead generation plugins can help with site visitors. Still, you need social media ads to boost your content and expand your reach. While ads might not always give your post viral status, it increases your likelihood of reaching your target audience.

Precision targeting

That’s the thing with ads and lead generation. You can choose where the platform displays your posts to get the most attention. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have targeted advertising options, allowing you to reach specific demographics based on interests, behaviors, and other criteria.

For example, consider a California-based firm offering guidance on how to be your own registered agent in California. Your service could be particularly relevant to local entrepreneurs navigating the legal aspects of formally starting a business. You can use targeted advertising to focus on California residents interested in business registration and related topics. 

Using precision targeting features on social media platforms ensures you reach the right audience. 

One case study compared the results of a broad campaign strategy vs. a targeted approach using Facebook lookalikes. The targeted strategy resulted in 150 percent more purchases and a 33 percent reduction in cost per purchase.

This strategy not only improves the efficiency of lead generation but also provides valuable insights for refining future marketing strategies.

Money matters

It can be scary to put money down for social media ads. Still, it would help to consider that organic content is not free. You spend money to produce content, so it all boils down to the ROI. Social media ROI is the value generated from your investment, so anything over zero means you gained more than you spent. According to Hubspot, the highest ROI for organic content is 27 percent (Instagram).

Source: Hubspot

Look at the return on ad spend (ROAS), the equivalent of ROI for organic content.

While these do not have one-to-one equivalency, it shows that social media ads are cost-effective. In other words, you get more than you put in.

We are not saying you should do one or the other. Organic content and paid content can be complementary if your business goals align. Choosing one or both depends on what you need for your business.

Source: Hootsuite

Paid promotions on social media platforms can amplify your lead-generation efforts. Investing in paid advertisements enables you to put your brand in front of the right audience, increasing the likelihood of lead conversion.

Leveraging Data Analytics

Data analytics play a crucial role in evaluating the success of social media strategies for lead generation. According to a survey by Smart Insights, 68 percent of businesses use social media analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. Regular analysis of key metrics enables marketers to refine their strategies based on real-time insights, contributing to continuous improvement.

It would be best if you regularly analyzed critical metrics such as click-through and engagement rates to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement, allowing you to refine your strategies based on real-time insights.

Converting Interactions Into a Lead Pipeline

Ultimately, the goal of crafting effective social media strategies for lead generation is to convert interactions into a robust lead pipeline. A Salesforce report claims that businesses that effectively nurture leads experience a 50 percent increase in sales at a 33 percent lower cost. It underscores the importance of a well-crafted strategy in cultivating each social media interaction.

Some platforms tend to lend themselves more easily to lead-to-funnel strategies. For example, the messaging features of WhatsApp provide a seamless channel for your site visitors to engage with your brand.

You can get leads through the sales funnel by delivering valuable content, engaging with the audience, and leveraging targeted advertising. Social media becomes more than just a space for engagement; it transforms into a powerful channel for sustained business growth.


You can generate leads effectively with social media, but it requires a strategic approach. It would be best if you considered the unique attributes of each platform. By aligning social media strategies with business goals, identifying the right platforms for the target demographic, and crafting compelling content, businesses can lay the foundation for successful lead generation.

The integration of social media advertising further amplifies these efforts, allowing for precision targeting and increased reach. With a data-driven mindset and a commitment to continuous improvement, businesses can turn social media interactions into a robust lead pipeline, propelling sustained growth in the digital age.

Author bio:

Ivan Serrano is a versatile and insightful writer specializing in business, technology, and finance since 2015. His compelling articles and analyses have graced the pages of publications like Bitcoin Magazine, SmallBizClub, StartupNation, Namecheap, and Time Doctor. With a knack for translating complex topics into engaging content, Ivan continues to be a sought-after voice in the intersection of modern technology and business trends.