Open communications between your company and your customers are vital aspects of running a fantastic website. If you want your customers to have a direct line of communication with support reps in your company, having a chat widget can help with this!

Additionally, if you are looking for an overall opinion surrounding your brand, including a chat widget on your website is an excellent way of doing that. 

In today’s article, you are going to learn about how a chat widget can improve customer service and some other benefits of incorporating one into your online store. Once you have completed the piece, you can make an informed decision on whether to use widgets or not. 

What is a Chat Widget?

A chat widget allows human employees or the company’s channel to connect with the website’s visitors through a small window. It can help potential clients get the answers to their questions in real-time without having to wait on email or telephonic correspondence.

In most cases, chat widgets typically sit on the lower right corner of the homepage, although they can be moved around in the backend settings. Remember that a chat widget needs to be conveniently located so that your clients don’t struggle to access it or miss seeing it all together.

Setting up a Chat Widget 

The backend of your chat app software has a tool that helps you create a workflow with build-in options for what happens when a person enters text into a form on your website. Either bot or live chat can be selected in the settings; it all depends on whether you want to respond to your customer from an automated AI system or a human counterpart.

Widgets are often associated with WordPress, as it is a common way for you to add content to blog margins or sidebars. You may already understand how widgets work if you are familiar with WordPress unless you have an external company handling your site maintenance.

A site using WordPress can be customized wholly because of the vast range of extensions, plugins, and widgets found in the dashboard. Even though many free options are available on WordPress’s dashboard, looking for a paid version is recommended if you want something with ultimate possibilities. 

Source: WhatsApp Chat Widget

Besides adding widgets to your WordPress website, they can now be integrated into mobile apps and social media platforms. The advancement of widget technology has made it easier for businesses to support their clients and provide outstanding service.

Without a doubt, chat apps are starting to take over the world!

Who is in Charge of a Chat Widget?

It all depends on who you want in charge of the widget; it could be an external company, or you may train an onsite support team. The choice is yours, but here is the catch. 

Although each widget is developed by a software firm and shares many similarities, it doesn’t mean that the learning curve is the same. Some chat widgets have complex backends that may leave you bewildered and confused when it comes to setting up your app. 

It’s good to note that bots and live chat can be used to deal with sales/service/success/support, but unless you have an extensive knowledge base, an external team may struggle to keep up with your client requirements.

Assigning neutral or locally trained parties can help reduce internal business friction and provide your customers with the support they deserve. 

If you have a marketing team, they can also use the data from the chat widget to develop a new strategy for your next campaign. It can inform your marketing specialist about crucial information regarding your visitors, which can be used in their content creation process for sale enablement and other tasks.

In most cases, sales teams are generally handling follow-ups and inquiries with chat clients who are potential leads. On the other hand, support team members often follow up with existing customers who join the chat and need questions answered. This additional interaction can be hugely beneficial for your business productivity.

Why Use a Chat Widget on Your Website?

If you want reasons to start utilizing a website chat widget, it has some incredibly positive data to justify its use. It’s all about improving the customer experience (CX) or users experience (UX), which enhances your company’s bottom line and ultimately helps with brand exposure.

Here are some of the best benefits of using a chat app on your website to answer your customer’s questions:

  1. Businesses can save about $300,000 per year using a chat app service to maintain customer communications. 
  2. Around 70% of company leaders say that chat widgets can increase yearly sales.
  3. Adding a chat widget to your business can increase productivity by over 50% if done correctly.
  4. Your customer satisfaction score can be improved by 30% when using chat widgets as a means of customer support.
  5. Chat apps can respond to your clients at three times the speed of a real-life employee. That keeps the client engaged and provides them with the answer they require within a few seconds.
  6. When a customer visits your website, there is a 75% chance they expect to chat on chat widget.

The benefits mentioned above should confirm that you need a chat app for your website. If programmed correctly, a chat widget can be hugely beneficial to your business because it provides your customer with instant solutions to their problems. 


Bot chat offers your company a good sales enablement tool that your sales team can use to close more deals. These resources may include information, tools, knowledge, and content that may be used to sell your service or products to clients worldwide effectively. 

Online studies have been performed that show how 30-50% of sales go to the company that responds first to its clients. That means without a chat app, you may be missing out on potential sales because your client can’t get the answer immediately. A good question to answer is why leave responding to email response when artificial intelligence can do it faster and more efficiently?

Here are a few additional reasons how a chat app can improve your customer support and allow your business to grow.

  1. Chat apps with bots can make simple decisions, trigger follow-up emails, evaluate website visitor chat responses, and respond to simple questions.
  2. Your sales team does not need to engage with the prospect until the chat widget has ensured that the client is qualified to receive the service you are offering.
  3. The lead qualification process becomes more accurate because the chat app segments the most promising leads and delivers them to your sales team.

With this information at hand, your team can focus on what matters most and put most of their efforts into working with promising prospects. Freeing up your sales team from managing client queries via email is crucial if you want them to thrive in the workplace.

Maybe it is time you start using AI to take charge of your support department and give your sales crew a chance to flourish. The new technologies, specifically an annotation tool, can help you collect data and train an AI model for your support department.

Now, we show you more reasons why it’s beneficial to use a widget for your customer service department and delve deep into each explanation.

Why Use a Chat Widget For Customer Service

Fast Communication

When someone is trying to contact your business, it typically means they have questions about the products or services on offer. However, if the only form of communication you have is a phone or email, the potential buyer may turn away, essentially losing a sale for your company.

chat apps widgets on your website
Source: Chaty

Having a chat widget is a way to give your customers an answer to their questions as soon as possible. All the client needs to do is ask the question in the chat, and one of your employees or bots can timeously respond to whatever they need help with by providing them the information they seek.

Helps to Improve Customer Experience

Being able to answer questions correctly or solve problems for your customer is a way to make your business grow exponentially. Remember that the customer is the key to running a successful company – this means it’s crucial to deliver expectational customer service.

Overall, the customer’s mood may improve the more helpful you are when dealing with them through a customer support widget. Most individuals look for a chat box when they visit a new website or find a product online. If the person is interested in a service you are offering, they would want to chat with you more often than not before purchasing the said item.

Maintaining a positive experience with the client encourages them to return to your store and become a potential repeat customer.

Chat Widgets are More Efficient

During peak seasons or busy times of the day, your company may fail to communicate effectively due to an excessive workload. Sometimes, every person trying to contact your business may not get a response from your staff.

However, suppose your website has a chat widget installed. In that case, you can have a support team that responds to multiple people at a time and always maintains a consistent level of customer service. You can even have chat apps enabled if more people are trying to contact you and you keep missing their messages.

chat widget on your website

A chat app is a convenient way to respond to people, and it’s straightforward to use. The backend interfaces of most chat widgets are intuitive and simplistic to set up; you need to add the most commonly asked questions and get the bot to reply with the correct answer.

These chat widgets can link the customer to the correct support source or answer simple questions set out by you. Consequently, by adding a chat widget to your website, there must always be an answer to your client’s questions, no matter what they ask.

Increases Your Website Credibility

If your brand and website aren’t well known, making your home page look as executive as possible can be rather challenging. You may not receive good traffic to the website if it’s missing key pieces that keep customers returning or isn’t working when trying to access it.

Including a chat widget in your website can improve customer trust for your company and brand. With this increase in confidence, you can add questions and answers to the chat app while building your knowledge base and client’s respect.

That becomes more and more vital, especially when internet users are becoming more nervous about companies or websites that aren’t well known enough. If a potential client searches for your website and there are no opinions or ratings on your service, they most likely are going to skip your company and find another business to purchase from instead.

Improve SEO Rankings

Potential customers are more likely to remain on your website for longer if your chat box keeps them engaged and has solved their problems. In the long run, it can also help to improve the SEO of your website because it provides a better visiting time for your website SEO score.

If you don’t have a chat app engaged, the potential client may have to find what they want on your site and leave if they are not interested. Install a chat widget to increase your chances to answer more questions, drawing more of the customer’s interest. 

In most cases, people don’t purchase a product or service the first time they visit your website, so actively conversing with clients increases the chance of returning to buy something shortly.


With the increase in internet activity in recent years, people have started purchasing online services and products from various websites; when customers visit your site, they need a clear indication of what you offer or need to chat with someone before purchasing your product.

Including a chat widget on your site can help clients get the answer they are looking for without phoning or emailing your company. This extra level of engagement can mean the difference between a sale or the client leaving your website.

Don’t you think it’s time to free up your sales team and explore your options when it comes to adding a chat widget to your website?

If you want to start having a chat widget on your site, look no further. Check out Chaty and its robust features to fill your needs.

If you’d like to know more about chat widgets and how they can improve your business, we have plenty of resources for you: