The rising popularity and dependency on social media platforms have had a profound impact on e-commerce.

As the number of people using social media increases worldwide, with the average user accessing 6.6 social media platforms on a monthly basis, it has become important for businesses to use social media for much more than marketing their products. 

Businesses active with social commerce can connect with their customers and drive sales directly from their social media accounts. They can also offer exceptional customer service that connects prospects and customers to their websites using a chat app like Chaty. 

While a lot of opportunities exist in social commerce, mastering the customer service aspect is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and building brand loyalty. 

In this article, we will explore five valuable tips to excel in providing exceptional customer service within the realm of social commerce.

Be Very Responsive 

If you want to be real-time responsive, you need to be ready to interact with clients on social media the moment they contact you. People expect a quick response from brands they interact with on social media, and any delays can irritate and dissatisfy them.

Customers appreciate brands that actively engage with them and demonstrate a genuine interest in their needs and preferences. 

If a customer expresses dissatisfaction or faces an issue with a purchase, addressing their concerns immediately can prevent the situation from escalating and potentially lead to a resolution that leaves the customer satisfied.

Real-time interaction requires vigilant monitoring of social media accounts by businesses. To guarantee that no consumer remark or mention is missed, use social media management tools and set up notifications. 

Chatbots and other forms of automatic response allow you to respond to consumer questions quickly, even while you’re not open for business. Live chat apps like Chatway can also help your agents stay up-to-date with customer inquiries and questions.

To further deepen your responsiveness, you can add a chat app like Chaty to your website to allow your customers to reach out to you on their favourite social apps, directly from your website. 

Remember that incorporating real-time responsiveness into social commerce customer service is not only about reacting to customer inquiries but also proactively engaging with the audience. 

Participating in real-time conversations and discussions on social media platforms can help businesses connect with their customers on a deeper level.

Facebook Shops display

Personalize Your Interactions

Consumers are constantly inundated with information and options, making it challenging for businesses to stand out. Personalization in today’s world can make all the difference. 

When you personalize customer interactions, you can create a unique and memorable experience for each customer, fostering a strong connection that goes beyond a simple transaction.

How can you personalize your social commerce customer experience?

  • Make them feel valued and understood. This emotional connection can significantly impact their loyalty and willingness to engage with the brand repeatedly and possibly share.
  • Offer specialized discounts on products that they may have shown interest in.
  • Use social media ads to target customers based on what they view and check out on your social media pages. 
  • Utilize social commerce tools like Facebook shop on your social media pages to create a quick and seamless experience for your customers when they shop on social media.
  • Encourage customers to share their experiences with products and services on social media. This user-generated content not only fosters a sense of community but also serves as a form of social proof. 

An analysis of your customer’s social media activity, such as the content they engage with, the pages they follow, and the products they express interest in, can provide valuable insights into their preferences and even their favorite products.

Armed with this information, you can craft targeted content and offers that resonate with each customer, increasing the chances of conversion.

However, it is crucial to strike the right balance when implementing personalization strategies. Overwhelming customers with excessive personal data or making them feel like their privacy is compromised can have adverse effects. 

Transparency and obtaining explicit consent for data usage are essential to ensure customers feel comfortable with the level of personalization offered.

Instagram Shops display

Provide Proactive Support 

In the context of social commerce, providing proactive support is crucial for building a positive customer experience and fostering brand loyalty. 

Here are some ways businesses can implement proactive support in their social commerce customer service:

Monitoring social media channels
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Regularly monitor social media platforms for mentions of your brand, products, or services. Utilize social listening tools to stay updated on customer conversations related to your business.
  • Engage with Customers: Actively engage with customers on social media, even if they haven’t directly tagged or mentioned your brand. For instance, if a customer posts about a product they recently purchased, you can respond with a thank-you message or ask if they need any assistance with their purchase.
  • Preemptive Communication: Send personalized messages or emails to customers who have made recent purchases, inquiring about their shopping experience and satisfaction. This gives customers the opportunity to express any concerns they might have and allows you to address these concerns promptly.
  • Proactive Solutions: Anticipate common issues that customers may face with your products or services, and provide proactive solutions or guidelines. For example, if you notice that customers often have questions about product usage, create video tutorials or user guides to help them get the most out of their purchase.
  • Post-Purchase Follow-ups: After customers make a purchase, follow up with them to ensure that everything went smoothly. Ask if they have any feedback or questions and reassure them that you are available to assist with anything they might need.
  • Offering Recommendations: Based on a customer’s previous purchases and browsing history, suggest relevant products or services that might interest them. This can be done through personalized recommendations on social media or email marketing.

Create Social Proof with User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) has emerged as a game-changer in the world of social commerce. It refers to content created and shared by customers, fans, or users of a brand on various social media platforms. 

This content can include reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, and more, all showcasing their experiences and interactions with the brand’s products or services.

Leveraging user-generated content can provide numerous benefits for businesses and brands engaged in social commerce. Here’s a closer look at why UGC matters and how to make the most of it:

  • Authenticity and Social Proof: User-generated content offers a level of authenticity that traditional advertising can’t match. When potential customers see real people sharing their positive experiences, it builds trust and acts as social proof. Such content reflects the genuine satisfaction of users, leading to increased credibility for the brand.
  • Building a Community: Encouraging customers to create and share content fosters a sense of community around the brand. People love to be part of something larger, and UGC allows them to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and experiences. This sense of belonging strengthens customer loyalty.
  • Content Variety and Engagement: User-generated content diversifies the type of content available on social media platforms. Instead of relying solely on branded posts, businesses can benefit from the creativity and uniqueness of their customers’ content. UGC often leads to higher engagement rates, as it sparks conversations and interactions among users.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Utilizing user-generated content significantly reduces the costs associated with content creation. Instead of investing in professional photoshoots or videos, brands can leverage the content already created by their satisfied customers. This cost-effectiveness makes UGC an attractive marketing strategy.
  • Harnessing Creativity: Customers often showcase products in innovative and creative ways that marketers may not have thought of themselves. Leveraging UGC allows brands to tap into the creativity of their audience and discover unique ways to present their products.
  • UGC Campaigns: To encourage more user-generated content, businesses can run UGC campaigns. These campaigns can be contests, challenges, or incentives where customers are encouraged to share their content with specific hashtags or mentions. Such campaigns can go viral, leading to increased visibility and brand awareness.
  • Obtaining Customer Insights: Analyzing user-generated content can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, needs, and pain points. Brands can gain a better understanding of what resonates with their audience and use this information to improve their products and services.
Customer feedback emojis

Monitor and Analyze Feedback

Monitoring feedback on social media involves actively listening to what customers are saying about a brand, product, or service. 

This includes tracking mentions, comments, and direct messages across various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media monitoring tools can help streamline this process by aggregating all mentions in one place, making it easier to analyze the data.

Also, understanding customer sentiment is vital for interpreting feedback accurately. Positive sentiments indicate satisfaction, while negative sentiments highlight areas of improvement. 

Analyzing sentiment helps businesses gauge overall customer happiness and identify specific issues that require attention. Sentiment analysis tools can be employed to automate this process and provide an overview of the overall customer sentiment.

Another aspect to consider is the analysis of Negative feedback, which although challenging to handle, presents an opportunity for growth. It’s essential to approach negative comments with empathy and a willingness to resolve the customer’s concerns. Responding publicly to negative feedback demonstrates transparency and shows other customers that the company cares about their experience. If possible, encourage the customer to continue the conversation privately to find a suitable solution.

On the other hand, positive feedback serves as social proof and can be leveraged to build brand reputation and credibility. 

Sharing positive testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content on social media showcases satisfied customers and fosters trust among potential buyers. Responding to positive feedback with gratitude and appreciation further strengthens the bond between the brand and its customers.

Analyzing large volumes of feedback data can reveal valuable trends and patterns. Businesses can identify recurring issues, popular product features, and emerging customer needs. These insights can influence product development, marketing strategies, and overall business direction.

Final Thoughts

No matter what social media tool you decide to use to deepen relationships with your customers, it is essential that you take advantage of these tips when engaging in social commerce customer service.

With chat apps like Chaty, you can also scale your customer support beyond social media apps to your websites. This allows your customers to still experience your services from apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, TikTok, Line etc.

Get Started With Chaty Here!